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Saturday 14 May 2016

Black forest cake

Black forest cake

Recipe courtesy : Adpated from


Chocolate sponge

1 1/2 cup maida / APF
3/4 cup high quality cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup sugar
3 large eggs
1 cup milk
3/4 cup cooking oil

Whipping cream
500 ml heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup icing sugar
1/2 tsp quality vanilla essence

Sugar syrup - cooled

Chocolate shavings

-Mix and sieve all dry ingredients such as maida , baking powder and soda , cocoa powder and set aside
-Take sugar and beat it with 3 eggs and then add milk , oil .
-Add the dry ingredients to the above-wet mixture slowly mixing well
-Now pour the batter in baking tray and bake for 180 deg C to 30 to 40 mins
-After cake is baked cool it for some time
-Take heavy whipping cream and add icing sugar partly along with the vanilla essence and whip it till thickens .
-After the cake cools down , remove the top crust make it flat and divide the cake by cutting into 3 sections
-Each layer should be brushed with sugar syrup and the cake should be little moist
-Then spread the whipping cream in each layer and complete by covering the entire cake smoothly
-Pipe some whipped creams and place cherry on top and grate some chocolate and spribkle over top

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